Cowlitz Indian Tribe
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
2025 Grant Cycle: COMING SPRING 2025
At this time, the Cowlitz Tribal Foundation is evolving it's 2025 Grant Cycle and will be updating this page with detail of when submissions will be accepted. There will be new guidelines and new forms, so please keep this in mind as you are budgeting for the next year.
Nákʷs! Hello!
Welcome to the Cowlitz Indian Tribal Foundation's application portal. Here you will be able to view and submit requests for partnerships and funding that pertain to your organization's work throughout our shared communities.
Since 2017, the Cowlitz Indian Tribal Foundation has awarded over $30 million to organizations in Washington, through the Clark County Fund and Statewide Fund. By cultivating community relationships by engaging in meaningful conversations about the future of our region, the Tribal Foundation can continue this important work to impact our shared communities in positive ways.
As a qualified applicant, you have the important opportunity to share what your organization does with the Cowlitz Indian Tribe. As a leader of your organization, you know the impact of your work better than anyone - so tell us. We want to hear details about your organization that aren't available on your website. We want to hear about your growth goals beyond your strategic plan. We want to know, authentically and honestly, which hurdles your organization faces and what you plan to do about it.
In an effort to invest in relationships that broaden the Tribe's reach, organizations that have been awarded funding from the Tribal Foundation have made an authentic effort to learn about the Cowlitz Indian Tribe; about the values, traditions, and cultural impacts of actions. These organizations have also actively sought out relationships with the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and Tribal Foundation leadership to better identify the ways we can make a collective impact on our shared communities.
Our reputation as one of the leading philanthropic organizations in the region is something we intend on maintaining and with your thoughtfulness and authenticity in this application process, we can work together to do so.
Náxʷɬqʷulʼas! Thank you!
Cowlitz Tribal Foundation
UPDATED: February 26, 2025